Getting started
ApprovalMax Pay is available to businesses, accountants, and bookkeepers using Xero in the UK. In a few simple steps, securely sync your bank account to ApprovalMax via open banking and pay approved bills with ease. Payments can only be made for bills that have been through your preset approval workflow, so you know funds are going to the right place.
End-to-end control
Build stronger financial controls across your entire accounts payable process with ApprovalMax Pay by securing your workflow in less steps. Just think, it’s easier to travel an entire journey via one express train, than get out halfway and change.

By managing everything from POs to payments in one platform, it’s not only faster, more convenient, and safer, but you’re less likely to make errors and mess up your processes. Take a few easy steps and set up your processes to take you all the way from preparation to payment.
Automate your accounts payable

Frequently asked questions

Who can use ApprovalMax Pay?

ApprovalMax Pay is currently in beta. Businesses and their accountants and bookkeepers in the UK currently using Xero can register to join the private beta. It is not currently available to other regions or accounting systems, but we will be working towards this in the future.

What does ‘in beta’ mean?

We are currently testing ApprovalMax Pay with a small group of customers before it is widely released. While it is in beta, we collect feedback to help refine the product and make sure it meets our customer’s needs.

Please get in touch if you’d like to join the beta.

What currencies can I pay in?

Currently, transactions can be made in GBP. More currencies are to come later this year.

What technology is behind ApprovalMax Pay?

ApprovalMax Pay is built on open banking technology. This lets you share your bank transaction data securely and electronically with organisations and companies. It offers an alternative way to make and receive account-to-account payments that are more cost-effective than traditional methods. It also gives the people using it more control over their data, where, and how it's used.

How secure is this technology?

Open banking employs rigorous data encryption and secure authentication protocols, ensuring user data is protected during transactions. This reduces the risk of fraud and unauthorised access compared to traditional payment methods.

ApprovalMax also holds a number of security certifications, including ISO27001, to ensure your data is safe.

Why is this a safer way to make payments?

ApprovalMax Pay allows staff members to make payments, but not make any withdrawals when there is a multi-step and multi-role approval workflow with supplier vetting in place. Bank access is essentially cut off and the audit trail gives full visibility as to who did what, and when.

Can I limit who makes payments?

Yes, you can manage who is allowed to make payments when setting up workflows. This allows you to only allow certain team members to pay certain bills, for example, like by client or dollar amount.

Can I control beneficiary creation and changes?

Yes, in the section ‘contact payment details’ you can control who can create, change, or remove beneficiary details. This means that people in the team can be authorised to make payments but not to add or change payment details, adding an extra layer of control.

Save time and reduce errors with ApprovalMax Capture

Use ApprovalMax Capture, our in-built automated data capture tool, to pull data from incoming bills straight into your preset approval workflows.

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