clients using ApprovalMax
transactions processed each month for clients
3.8 days
saved each month per client, on average
4 to 314
transactions per client each month

CHARITYacCOUNTS! Inc., founded in 2002, specializes in financial, IT, and HR
services tailored for charities.

Based in Oakville, ON, it equips non-profits with the tools to manage their operations effectively.

Learn more at charityaccounts.ca

Accounting Platform
8 reasons to tighten your financial controls for QuickBooks users
8 reasons to bolster your financial controls for QuickBooks users
As businesses expand, they can benefit from stronger financial controls and approvals to prevent, detect, and correct any financial issues before they arise.
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ApprovalMax is clean, it’s smooth, and it’s easy to use. I love how the audit trail comes into QuickBooks Online as a PDF – that’s a gamechanger for our clients. That’s how it should be.
Stephanie Cooper
Controller at CHARITYacCOUNTS!

Charities focus on caring for others, but they often have limited resources to care for themselves. That’s why CHARITYacCOUNTS! was founded in 2002 – to support charities and not-for-profits with their accounting and help them work towards their mission. It was recognised early on that organizations often don’t have the resources to hire a full-time accountant or bookkeeper, but still have complex finance needs that require the support of a qualified professional.

Since then, the team has grown to include more than 30 staff working with over 60 clients across Canada. Recognising clients’ needs in other business areas, the firm now offers IT and HR support, as well as its core accounting and bookkeeping services. 

What sets CHARITYacCOUNTS! apart is the care it brings to its clients. “A huge priority and challenge for charities is keeping up to date with changing compliance and reporting,” says Stephanie Cooper, Controller at CHARITYacCOUNTS!. “We keep them on track and guide them on how to best manage their accounting to maximize funding dollars.”

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Accounting for audit

Reporting and accountability is critical to the work the team does with its clients as the majority of charities have to do audits. “You have to be able to explain that these dollars are being spent appropriately because the charities and their boards have a fiduciary responsibility to their donors. The charitable sector is scrutinized by CRA and the funders – they often want to see the source document and who has approved it,” says Cooper.

To reach this level of compliance, an approval process is number one; that’s where ApprovalMax comes in. “It lends that level of control and accountability to give us documentation in black and white, through the audit trail, that we can show an auditor.”

The team uses a combination of Dext, ApprovalMax, and QuickBooks Online to manage accounts payable for clients. “When it comes time for the audit, we give the auditor view access into QuickBooks, and they can see everything right there. ApprovalMax helps us build that foundation so people can easily access the information they need, whether they’re our client, their funder, or an auditor.”

Component 3
Moving to the cloud

Before using this tech stack, these processes took a whole lot longer – and used a great deal of paper. Now, CHARITYacCOUNTS! manages the entire accounts payable process for clients in the cloud. “Before Covid, we would be on-site or receive a courier delivery with all the invoices and relevant signatures on them,” says Cooper.

“The other option was email approvals. When you have to email a document, get it signed off, then import a PDF of that email into QuickBooks it’s very time consuming. This month I introduced a client to ApprovalMax and the streamlined workflow feature and ease of doing the approvals convinced them of the value.”

Clients notice a big difference when switching to ApprovalMax and simplifying and formalizing their approvals process. “My clients have said being able to just click a button to accept or reject, from an email or on the website, makes approving expenses so much easier,” says Cooper. “Back to the CHARITYacCOUNTS! model, we're making their jobs easier so they can focus on what they do best: supporting the homeless, running food banks, or advancing the mission they are dedicated to.”

Making time for meaningful work

Having the right tools and processes in place helps these charities focus on their meaningful work. Some of the main benefits of ApprovalMax include: