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What our clients say about ApprovalMax

ApprovalMax Capture has streamlined our accounts payable process. Uploading bills is simple, and the automated data extraction combined with the bill approval workflow saves us hours each week.
Cait Green (1) 1
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ApprovalMax integration with Xero, Quickbooks and NetSuite

Batch Payment Software

What is Xero batch payment approval?

Instead of paying bills one-by-one, you can prepare a bulk payment for bills with due dates within a close range. Such payments are for large amounts and, therefore, might be subject to additional approval. Xero Batch Payments are created as a combination of Approved and Awaiting Payment bills and submitted as a single request for approval. Once such a request has been approved via ApprovalMax, the respective Xero batch payment file gets created in a connected Xero account against the selected bank account.

How many bills can I add to a batch payment?

You can add up to 200 bills in the Approved or Awaiting Payment status to a batch payment.

Approvers see the budgets relevant to the documents they are approving right in the approval requests.


Is it possible to pay the bills in a batch partially?

Yes, bills can be paid partially by entering the particular amount during batch payment creation.

What kind of approval rules can we use for batch payments?

The approval rules for batch payments are based on amounts, suppliers or requesters and determine which approver the request will be assigned to.

In which currency can I create a Xero batch payment?

Due to Xero restrictions, Xero batch payments are always created in the base currency of the respective organisation. If a bill is in a different currency, it cannot be added to the Xero batch payment.

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